For the 3rd annual Ride for Earth, join Practical Cycle on April 21st, the day before Earth Day, for the Great American River Clean Up. Participation in the Clean Up is a real contribution to the health of the Parkway and river. Removing trash and debris prevents pollutants from entering the watershed, harming the wildlife, or creating hazards for recreational users. Additionally, keeping the Parkway clean protects ocean life by preventing trash from being washed downstream during the winter rains.

We will be leaving Practical Cycle on Saturday April 21 at 8:30AM. That should give us plenty of time to bike along the Parkway to our assigned sit at Northrop and Highway 160 by 9:00AM. Participants are encouraged to bring their own bikes, but FREE rentals are available for the event.
1. The American River Parkway Foundation provides Spring Clean up volunteers with bags, gloves, water, light snacks, and a volunteer t-shirt. Please wear appropriate clothing, sneakers and sun-block.
2. Please arrive on time as the site captain for your chosen site location will be giving a safety briefing before sending you out on the Parkway. The event begins at 9am and will end at 12pm.
3. This year we are also asking you to help us reduce waste by bringing your own reusable water bottle filled with a beverage and gardening gloves. We offer bottled water for all of our volunteers but are hoping to reduce the number of bottles handed out.
1. When you arrive at your clean up site please follow the signs to the “River Cleanup” station where you will check in.
2. Volunteers under 18 must bring a completed parental/guardian consent form in order to participate.
3. Please wear long pants/shirts, closed-toe shoes, sunscreen, and a hat.
4. Click here to review the clean up Safety Guidelines. Please read then prior to volunteering.